Pre-certification of e-forms
The ICSI has brought out a publication namely ‘Referencer on Pre-certification of e-forms’ under the Companies Act, 2013.

Pre-certification of e-forms is an important area of work for the Company Secretaries in practice. MCA has entrusted company secretaries with the responsibility of ensuring reliability of documents filed by companies with MCA in electronic mode.

The professionals need to be extremely careful while pre-certifying the e-forms as
Companies Act, 2013 carries stringent penal provisions in case of wrong pre-certification.

As a part of the ICSI initiative to facilitate its members to comply with regulatory framework, ICSI has brought out this Referencer. This Referencer highlights the meaning of pre-certification, liabilities of professionals in case of wrong pre-certification and the checklists which may be examined before filing and certifying e
-forms. The Referencer also contains the e-forms and the respective instruction kits.

-      C.S. Suresh ThakurDesai


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